TGI - Ear Defenders
TGI Ear Defenders with cord and carry tube, can be used with or without cords.
Reduces Harmful Noise
Comfortable Silicone
Triple Flange Plugs
SNR: 20dB (Signal-to-noise-ratio)
77cm Neck Cord
Keychain Carry Tube
21-23 Faringdon Road Swindon Wiltshire SN1 5AR (01793) 534095 or 520948 / New Opening Times Tues - Fri 10.00am - 5.00pm & Sat 9am - 5pm - Closed Sun/Mon
TGI Ear Defenders with cord and carry tube, can be used with or without cords.
Reduces Harmful Noise
Comfortable Silicone
Triple Flange Plugs
SNR: 20dB (Signal-to-noise-ratio)
77cm Neck Cord
Keychain Carry Tube